
"Greater gift hath no one than to lay down their life for another…"

Grace Presbyterian Church takes the words of our Lord seriously as we seek to care for others with the love and grace of God.  We believe that we can serve God when we care for others.  Our mission programs are ever changing as we respond to God’s call to care for others.  As you explore the opportunities on this page, prayerfully consider how you might be part of God’s work with Grace in our city and beyond.

Christian Homeless Outreach was started through First Presbyterian Church of Las Vegas and supported by the Nevada Presbytery.

Volunteers include members of various church organizations and is run by an independent board.

On the 3rd Sunday of the month at 8:30 a.m., they share the message at the Salvation Army Chapel. On Wednesdays at 4 p.m., a meal is provided, clothing and toiletries distributed, fellowship and message at Christ Church Episcopal.

Our Deacons provide financial assistance monthly and a monthly wish list is provided to the congregation.

Volunteers are always welcome to assist.

Helps at risk homeless families with children achieve sustainable housing and independence.

Previous church participation (about 14 years) included housing homeless families overnight and providing all meals for two or more weeks a year. Covid changed that process and they no longer require this kind of help.

Our Deacons provide a budget line to provide the organization items as needed.

Women of Grace collected with the congregation over 100 toys last Christmas.

Helping women to reclaim their lives from drug and alcohol abuse.

Our Deacons occasionally provide a monetary donation.

Women of Grace invite them to share their testimonials and sing at events with a free will offering.

Operation Christmas Child

Samaritan’s Purse is an international Christian relief organization.

Children’s Ministries provides shoe boxes to be filled for children of all ages. They are then collected and Samaritan’s purse distributes them to children all over the world for the holidays and as needed.

World Communion Sunday Food Drive

As an expression this annual giving opportunity happens just before the 1st Sunday in October and benefits the local food needs of the Community.  Members bring canned foods and non-perishable items to the church on World Communion Sunday.

Brown Bag

On the last Saturday of every month volunteers gather to prepare brown bag lunches to be distributed to the homeless that come by the church and through Amazing Grace Ministries to the local homeless population.

Street Teens

Dedicated to assisting homeless, abandoned and at risk youth.

Our Deacons occasionally mission, which challenges the congregation to a dollar to dollar match for donations to purchase items from a wish list.

School Supply Collection

Children’s Ministries collect school supplies and donates them as needed.

Shade Tree

Provides shelter to homeless and abused women and children in crisis, offering life changing services, promoting stability, dignity and self-reliance.

Children’s Ministries coordinates the Pancakes and PJ events to collect PJ’s for children and women.

Rescue Mission

Provides low income families, seniors, shut-ins and homeless their basic needs of food, clothing, access to shelter and shares God’s love and message.

Women of Grace and Deacons do collections as necessary.

Women's Medical Resource Center

A faith-based, charitable organization committed to supporting families with pregnancies. 

Women of Grace take a collection of layette items and coin offerings.