
Our Story
Formerly two campuses, previously known as the First Presbyterian Church of Las Vegas and the Summerlin Presbyterian Church, were merged in 2013 creating our new and wonderful Grace Presbyterian Church family. As of 2023 we are combined at one location while we await our new building in the Southwest valley. We are proud to be serving God and would love for you to come and join us!
Our Beliefs
Our Essential Tenets
This statement, approved by our Session, is designed to help guide us as faithful Christians of the Reformed Tradition who seek to faithfully live our lives in the Postmodern Era. Grace Presbyterian Church is a community of believers growing closer to God Almighty, responding to His call and becoming His people.
We believe in one holy, eternal God who is the Father and Creator of all things, seen and unseen. We believe that God reveals Himself in the form of Trinity, one almighty God revealed in three divine and distinct persons, Father, Son and Spirit.
We believe that God’s love for humanity is complete and unconditional, as revealed to us in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and through personal interactions with the Holy Spirit.
We believe that humankind was created in the image of God with freewill and the ability to love God and love others. We know that from the beginning human beings have chosen to rebel against God and pursue selfish ambition. We believe that the consequence for these actions is brokenness and death. However, we are also aware that God’s grace, through the gift of His Son, provides all with the promise of salvation.
We know that from the beginning of time God keeps His promises. These promises include: when we receive Jesus Christ as Lord we receive life eternal; when we confess our brokenness God forgives us; when we gather in the name of Christ God is present in the real and dynamic presence of the Holy Spirit; and that the Holy Spirit continually works to reveal God to us for works of compassion and ministry.
We believe that God revealed Himself in His creation through Jesus Christ His Son and in the Holy Scriptures. He continues to reveal Himself to us today through the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. We affirm that the Bible speaks with the authority of God Himself. We believe that as the inspired Word of God, the Bible contains our highest rule of faith and life.
We believe that the only appropriate response to God’s love and grace is a life of prayer, gratitude and obedience to God. We understand this mission includes proclaiming God’s Word to the world through both word and action. We believe that each member of the church is called to a life of worship that demonstrates the reality of God’s grace through service, devotion and discipleship.
Our hope is that our church and all its members continue to grow closer to God demonstrating the fruits of the Spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord.”
Colossians 3:17
Ministry Leaders

Jim Houston-Hencken
Pastor Jim studied theology at Fuller Seminary College. He has lived in Las Vegas and has been at Grace Presbyterian Church for many years. His favorite Bible verse is Romans 1:16.

Craig Sanders
Pastor Craig trained for ministry at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena where he earned a Master of Divinity and at Azusa Pacific University where he earned a Bachelor of Arts. Craig has a passion for the unchurched in our community, and is trained in small group ministry, worship leadership and Christian formation and discipleship. His favorite Bible verse is Psalm 23:1.

Dr. Lisa Elliott
Dr. Lisa oversees multiple choirs on a weekly basis, including our latest, greatest children's choir! Lisa works tirelessly to build up our choir and keeps them ringing and singing beautifully. She is a professional singer and a graduate from UNLV in Vocal and Choral Performance.

Rhonda Reeves
Rhonda believes working with children is a passionate endeavor. Precious kids of all ages simply need to know they are valued, loved and respected. Education empowers us all to make a positive contribution to our world using our spiritual gifts and true love for others.
Lynne Zenier
Lynne is the person who keeps the church office running smoothly, from supervising office personnel to overseeing all aspects of office duties.
Courtney Murphy
Courtney produces all of our graphics needs including bulletins, newsletters, worship videos, and email blasts.
Ashley Murphy
Ashley is the first one you will see and hear when contacting the church office and is always ready with a smile.
Dirk Kooi
Dirk supervises our custodians and makes sure "all systems are go".